One To One Physical Therapy & Aquatics: Delray Beach

Treating Patients in Delray Beach, FL

If you find that your pain makes it hard for you to move around freely and complete everyday tasks, physical or occupational therapy could be an extremely effective solution for you.

One To One Physical Therapy and Aquatics’s ultimate goal is to make your daily tasks and activities easier. For example, your physical and occupational therapist may help you with getting dressed, walking, going up-stairs, or getting in and out of bed.

In addition, physical and occupational therapy often provides the best treatment for a variety of different pains. Treatment not only provides relief, but it also teaches you techniques to prevent re-injury and avoid future pain.

Our Delray Beach physical and occupational therapy treatments help you move better and will relieve your pain. They also help improve or restore your physical function and your fitness level.

We also take great pride in offering one of the best balance and movement disorder programs in South Florida. We have highly trained physical and occupational therapists who have years of experience working with patients who suffer from balance disorders, parkinson’s disease, stroke and other movement disorders. We take great pride in actually providing balance therapy and motor re learning treatments for our patients. The result, our patients with balance and movement disorders actually feel like we are helping their balance get better and not just giving them exercise to do!

One To One Physical Therapy & Aquatics:
Delray Beach

13550 South Jog Road
Suite 100, Delray Beach, FL 33446

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: by appointment

P: (561) 496-5144
F: (561) 496-5201


Request an Appointment



13550 South Jog Road
Suite 100, Delray Beach, FL 33446