How To Know Physical Therapy is Right For You
From infants to seniors, physical therapists are working hard each day to help the people of their communities be at their best. Here are our top 8 reasons you could benefit from outpatient physical therapy. If you believe that you need physical therapy you can easily find a physical therapist near you and get started today.
The U.S. is the largest consumer of prescription drugs in the world, but it doesn’t have to be. Physical Therapy is a safe, non-invasive form of treatment for patients experiencing musculoskeletal pain or injuries. Instead of masking symptoms, we get right to the source and help you heal. Manage pain safely with physical therapy instead of relying solely on opioids or other pain medications.
If you are experiencing pain, we can help you treat the cause and not just the symptoms. In fact, physical therapists spend most of their careers working with patients to help them get rid of their pain so that they can do the things they enjoy most. If you have consistent pain and have been nursing an injury for weeks before seeking help from a medical professional, your body may have already begun to heal; and not always the way we would like it to. By going to physical therapy first, you can help cut down the time off work, off sports, and promote healing much faster.
Pre & Post-surgical rehabilitation helps patients regain their mobility after going through an operation. A post-op recovery plan typically includes:
- Pain reduction
- Exercises and stretches to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance
- Balance and/or gait training
- Patient education and self-care training
Untreated, a nagging pain can become chronic pain. Overuse and Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) from work or sports can potentially lead to injury and sometimes surgery. These nagging pains are a warning from your body that you need help. Physical therapists can work with you to reduce your pain and prevent injuries from happening. By going through movement training, learning to take breaks when necessary, and developing stretch and exercise routines, we can get rid of that pain and keep you in your sport or workplace.
For the most part, falls are preventable, and physical therapists are uniquely poised on the front lines in the battle against falls.
- Have you fallen in the past year?
- Do you feel unsteady when standing or walking?
- Are you worried about falling?
If you answered yes to any of the above you could benefit from a fall prevention program to improve your strength, balance, & gait.
As physical therapists, we spend a good bit of time working with patients that suffer from muscle weakness. Whether it be from old age, prolonged bed rest, or a neurological disorder, we can help. If you or someone you know has trouble remaining upright or is unable to control their descent from a standing to a sitting position we can create a strengthening program designed specifically for their needs and ability levels.
We help people achieve their movement goals! If you find yourself unable to carry the laundry basket down the hall, wash the car, or basically any of the activities that you do on a daily basis, we’re here for that. Helping people reach their goals is our passion and nothing makes us happier than seeing you get back to the lifestyle you love most.
Who knew physical therapists had so many skills up their sleeves? Sleeping is one of the most important things that we can do for our bodies. Our bodies utilize this time for recovery and sleeping in a position that causes pain can prevent the body from recovering. Therefore, finding an appropriate sleeping position that results in your body feeling at ease is very important. Part of rehabilitation is educating patients on how to sleep in a position that won’t aggravate the injury as they heal.
Specialty Physical Therapy Programs
We are so excited to have the opportunity to share what we’re all about. Physical therapists do so much more than treat pain. For more information about the services our physical therapists provide, click the links below.