As we start to put up our holiday decorations, it’s important to remember that safety comes first.
We’ve collected a few tips on proper ladder safety usage to help you stay safe this holiday season!
- If you feel tired or dizzy or are prone to losing your balance, stay off the ladder.
- Wear clean slip-resistant shoes. Shoes with leather soles are not ideal for ladder use as they are not considered sufficiently slip-resistant.
- When the ladder is set-up for use, it should be placed on firm level ground and without any type of slippery condition present at either the base or top support points.
- Ladders should not be placed in front of closed doors that can open toward the ladder. The door should be blocked open, locked, or guarded.
- Before using a ladder, inspect it to confirm it is in good working condition.
- Ladders with loose or missing parts should not be used.
- Rickety ladders that sway or lean to the side should not be used.
- Make sure you’re using the right size ladder for the job.
- The length of the ladder should be sufficient so that the climber does not have to stand on the top rung or step.
- Only one person at a time should be on a ladder unless the ladder is specifically designed for more than one climber (such as a Trestle Ladder).
- Never jump or slide down from a ladder or climb more than one rung/step at a time.
Ladders can be extremely hazardous when they aren’t used properly, so please take advantage of the safety precautions above. If you find yourself in pain, please come see us. We can help get rid of your pain and back to the holiday traditions and events that you look forward to. It’s our job to make sure you feel great and ready to celebrate!
Looking for a physical therapist to help you recover from a ladder injury?
More information about ladder safety can be found in our Newsletter
Looking for more holiday survival tips? We have them here for you!