What is Remote Therapeutic Monitoring?
Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) provides physical and occupational therapists with a platform to review and monitor musculoskeletal data when a patient is not in the clinic. Including:
- Pain levels
- Functional level
- Therapy adherence
- Response to treatment
With RTM, physical therapists continue to create and prescribe home programs as part of the treatment plan as they have always done. The difference with RTM however, is that now our teams can monitor a patient’s performance and response to the home exercise program between clinic visits. RMT provides physical therapists with musculoskeletal data and reports pain levels each time the patient engages with the platform. Additionally, if a patient can’t perform their exercises or follow the instructions correctly, the physical therapist will know and be able to make modifications immediately.
Why Remote Therapeutic Monitoring?
Improved patient compliance with the physical therapist’s instructions and adherence to home programs have long been correlated with better outcomes in physical therapy. Completing the home exercise program is a crucial part of the overall plan to get patients healthy, and RTM is making that easier for both patients and providers.
In 2018, it was estimated that only 35% of patients fully adhered to their plan of care.
We’re looking to change this by engaging patients with a new way to do their Home Exercise Programs!
RTM represents one of the first ways physical and occupational therapists, can utilize technology to improve communication and drive better outcomes with their patients. RTM platforms are secure and are easily accessible for any patient with access to a smart device or computer.
Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) Steps
- The therapist designs and prescribes HEP
- The patient performs their personalized program at home
- Clinical staff remotely monitors patients’ adherence to their home program and pain and function measures
- The therapist makes any necessary adjustments to the at-home program if needed based on the statistics RTM sends to them
These Easy to Use Apps are Improving Patient Outcomes

How to Know if Remote Therapeutic Monitoring for Physical Therapy is Right for You
RTM is currently available for patients
- Carrying Traditional Medicare Insurance coverage
- Diagnosed with a musculoskeletal condition (surgical or non-surgical)
- Who speak and read in English and own a smart device or computer
We have locations across the United States implementing RMT programs into their treatment plans. Find the one nearest you today for more information about the program they provide.
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