Category Archives: Sports and Fitness

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PT News May 2023

PT News PTandMe

This time in PT News we recap what our clinics have been posting throughout May 2023. We are excited to bring you current physical therapy-based posts featuring published articles from PTandMe partnering clinics!

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low back pain

1. Is a Painful Herniated Disc Throwing Off Your Routine? PT Could Help

Written by Wright Physical Therapy with locations throughout Southern ID

f your doctor believes your disc is herniated, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan may be done to confirm the diagnosis. From this scan, your doctor will be able to clearly see if there is a herniated disc in the lower back region. If the disc is putting pressure on the spine, it can be detected. Your doctor will then provide you with a treatment plan, and will likely recommend physical therapy for pain relief…  Read more



2. Warm Weather Exercise Tips

Written by The Center for Physical Therapy an outpatient physical therapy practice throughout Greater Grand Rapids, MI.

Exercising outside in the heat and humidity is not for the faint of heart, hot temps require some adaptations for the outdoor exerciser. The heat doesn’t have to put a stop to your outdoor exercise, but it will require you to listen to your body, be smart and be open to adapting your plans. Stay cool and stay smart!  Read more


3. May is Arthritis Awareness Month

Written by Horizon Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine, an outpatient physical therapy group with locations in and around Hilton Head, SC.

Arthritis isn’t just physically painful, but can also be isolating and discouraging. In simple terms, arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. It causes pain and stiffness that can worsen as you grow older. Arthritis is a reference to joint pain, or disease itself, and can cause permanent joint problems. It is most common in women, but studies show that some form of arthritis can be found in over 300,000 children. Arthritis, however, typically affects more people as they age. Read more

We hope you enjoyed our picks for the PT News May 2023 edition.

Find these locations and others to start feeling better today!

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Physical Therapy for Golfer's Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow

Physical Therapy for Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis Pain)

Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow, medically known as medial epicondylitis,  is a painful condition where the tendons that attach to the inside of the elbow become inflamed due to repetitive use of the hand, wrist, forearm, and elbow. Golfer’s elbow often occurs with repetitive activities such as swinging a golf club or tennis racket, work or leisure activities requiring twisting and gripping such as shoveling, gardening, and swinging a hammer. Golfer’s elbow can also appear in other sports-related activities such as throwing and swimming. Golfer’s Elbow (Medial epicondylitis) is most commonly seen in men over the age of 35 but can be seen in any population. If these symptoms sound familiar, then going to physical therapy for golfer’s elbow may be just what you need.

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What is causing your elbow pain?

Golfer’s Elbow (Medial epicondylitis) affects the group of muscles that are responsible for bending the wrist, fingers, and thumb and that rotate the wrist and forearm. The tendons that connect those muscles to the medial epicondyle (bump on inside of elbow). Tendons are made up of collagen fibers that are lined up next to each other. The repetitive forces pull on those tendons creating pain and tenderness described as Golfer’s Elbow. Without treatment, those tendons can eventually pull away from the bone. Acute injuries to your elbow can create an inflammatory response which can cause redness, warmth, and stiffness in your elbow.

Golfer’s Elbow (Medial epicondylitis) is most often caused by an abnormal arrangement of collagen fibers. This condition is called tendinosis. During tendinosis, the body doesn’t create inflammatory cells as it does during an acute injury. Instead, fibroblasts are created which help make up scar tissue to fill in the spaces between the collagen fibers. This increase in scar tissue can lead to increased pain and weakness in the tissues. Physical and hand therapy is the most common nonsurgical treatment for Golfer’s Elbow (medial epicondylitis). Your therapist will perform an evaluation where he/she will ask you several questions about your condition, pain level, and other symptoms you may be experiencing. He/she will perform motion and strength testing on your entire upper extremity. Your therapist will also palpate your arm to determine which tendon(s) may be inflamed. He/she will use special tests designed to deferentially diagnose your condition from others that may have similar presentations to Golfer’s Elbow, such as Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.

golf ball on tee

What to Expect from Physical Therapy for Golfer’s Elbow

  • Pain Management: this can include Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy, ice, ice massage, moist heat, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound.
  • Range-of-Motion Exercises: stretches and mobility exercises to help maintain proper movement in your elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand.
  • Strengthening Exercises: progressive resistive exercises to help build strength in your arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand. These can include weights, medicine balls, and/or resistance bands. This will also include your Home Exercise Program.
  • Manual Therapy: used to ensure full, pain-free movement is achieved and can include joint mobilizations, manual muscle stretches, and soft tissue massage.
  • Neuromuscular Re-education (Functional Training): used to help you return to your prior level of function for both home and work activities. This will include retraining proper movement patterns with necessary modifications based on the current level of function and patient limitations.
  • Patient Education: used to help retrain patients on proper postural control during everyday activities including dressing, self-care, work, and sports activities. This can include helping return a patient to their specific sport, such as making adjustments to their golf swing or throwing technique.

Once you’ve completed physical therapy for Golfer’s Elbow you’ll want to do everything you can to prevent this from reoccurring. This can occur by maintaining proper awareness of your risk for injury during your daily movements. Key things to keep in mind:

1. Maintain proper form during all repetitive movements both at work and at home.
2. Continue your Home Exercise Program in order to maintain proper strength in your shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand.
3. Use proper posture and body mechanics with lifting or carrying to avoid any undue stress on your joints and tendons.

This information was written by Plymouth Physical Therapy Specialists, an outpatient physical and hand therapy group with fourteen locations in the surrounding Plymouth, Michigan area. At Plymouth Physical Therapy Specialists, they are committed to using evidence-based treatments in their practice. This means that their therapists utilize the most current and clinically relevant treatments in their approach to rehabilitation. For more information click here.

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Is Pickleball Good Exercise

Is Pickleball Good Exercise?

Is Pickleball Good Exercise

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In case you haven’t heard, pickleball is a new fast-growing sport that people of all ages can enjoy! Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It is played on a smaller court than tennis, with a solid paddle made of wood or plastic and a plastic ball. The object of the game is to hit the ball over the net and land it within the boundaries of the court, with the aim of making it difficult for the opponent to return to the ball.

Is pickleball good exercise? Yes, it is a fun, moderate exercise that older adults can enjoy! Is a younger player going to reach their fitness or health goals by playing pickleball?  Probably not. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play. Playing pickleball is much better than choosing to be sedentary. That being said, seniors are especially drawn to this fun sport, and it’s great for this age group for many reasons.  Let’s take a look at why it’s good exercise for seniors.

Why is Pickleball a Good Exercise for Seniors?

The Benefits of Pickleball

  • It’s Easy to Learn: It is easy to learn because the rules are very similar to tennis. The court is small enough that you don’t need to run so much to keep track of the ball, especially if you’re playing with a team member. This makes it easier to follow the game and focus on your strategy.
  • Social Activity: The game encourages players to socialize because it can be played with a partner or with a pair of two-player teams or “doubles,” which encourages social interaction and teamwork.
  • Health Improvements: A study in the International Journal of Research in Exercise Physiology found middle-aged and older adults who played one hour of pickleball three days per week for six weeks improved their blood pressure, cholesterol, and cardiorespiratory fitness levels.
  • Hand-Eye Coordination: As we age, it’s normal to see your hand-eye coordination start to decline gradually and it may take time to recognize what is happening. Playing pickleball can help with hand-eye coordination because it requires you to focus on your reaction time and can keep your brain sharp.
  • Safety Factor: Even though the game can be played outdoors, it is usually played inside, which makes it a great option during those extremely hot summer days. The ball used to play this game is made of plastic, has circular holes, and is hollow, which keeps the travel speed to a moderate level and if the ball happens to bump into you, you are not severely hurt. Also, the net is set to a lower height than in tennis and the serving is always underhanded, which causes less stress on your upper arms and shoulders. The paddle is also lighter than a tennis racket at 7 ounces, which creates low-impact stress on your arms.

Preventing Pickleball Injuries:

Although the sport is a simple, low-stress game, there is a risk of getting injured. Here are some ways to avoid an injury while having some pickleball fun.

Warm-ups for Pickleball

  • Light Jogging – Start by jogging for 5-10 minutes.
  • Dynamic Stretching – Involves exercises such as lunges, high knees, butt kicks, and leg swings
  • Shoulder Rotations – Rotate your shoulders forward and backward, and then lift your arms above your head and circle them in a clockwise and anticlockwise direction.
  • Arm Swings: Hold your arms out at shoulder height and swing them back and forth, crossing them in front of your chest and then out to the sides.
  • Squats: Perform a few sets of squats to activate your glutes and leg muscles. Make sure to keep your back straight and your knees aligned with your toes.

Remember to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your warm-up. By warming up properly, you can help to prevent injuries and perform at your best during the game.

Wear a Knee Brace

If you tend to have weak knees, wearing a knee brace can provide support and offload stress to one particular area. It can either prevent any future injuries or provide protection from further injury and help you continue to play. It’s important that the brace is snug, but not too snug. If the brace is too tightly strapped to your leg, it can cut off circulation.

Physical Therapy for Pickleball Injuries

The majority of the injuries may be a result of sprains and strains. The first line of defense for sprains and strains is to use the R.I.C.E. principles (rest, ice, compress, elevate). However, if the injury is serious, and doesn’t go away on its own, physical therapists can help patients recover by providing modalities and exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding the injured joint.  Some patients experience a fear of reinjury and may want to relapse into inactivity, and our programs are designed to help with that as well.

Knee injuries are also common. During a match, players may find themselves changing directions or pivoting while swinging. This can put repetitive strain on the knee, causing the tendons or muscles to become damaged or overworked. Physical therapists can work to heal knee injuries properly as well as improve body mechanics. Proper leg alignment should include balanced hips over knees that are balanced over the feet. The knees should not cave in or out, but instead be parallel to the hips. This alignment is important because, without proper alignment, unnecessary stress is placed on the joints and restricts the range of motion.

If you have had a knee injury or pain in the past, and are looking to start playing pickleball, we recommend you schedule an appointment with your physical therapist. A trained physical therapist knows how to spot poor movement patterns that can increase strain on your knees and other areas.

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Pickleball can provide hours of fun for families, friends, and anyone looking for an enjoyable way to exercise and stay active. If you are interested in trying pickleball, you can check with your local recreation center, community center, or senior center to see if they offer pickleball programs or courts.


PT News PTandMe

PT News March 2023

PT News PTandMe

This time in PT News we recap what our clinics have been posting throughout March 2023. We are excited to bring you current physical therapy-based posts featuring published articles from PTandMe partnering clinics!

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Physical Therapy

1. What to Expect in Physical Therapy

Written by Hamilton Physical Therapy with locations throughout Mercer County, NJ

Physical therapy is a form of rehabilitation that helps individuals recover from injuries, illnesses, or chronic conditions through targeted exercises and other techniques. The specific goals and treatments involved in physical therapy may vary depending on the individual’s condition and the therapist’s approach, but here are some common things to expect…  Read more


baseball pitching injuries Tommy Johns

2. Baseball-Related Arm Injuries: A Possible Solutions

Written by Mishock Physical Therapy & Associates an outpatient physical therapy practice in Montgomery, Berks, & Chester Counties, PA.

The fastest growing segment of elbow surgeries (Tommy John) is in 15-19 year-olds at 57%, followed by 20 to 24-year-olds at 22% (American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2016). One study showed a 193% increase in the volume of elbow surgery from 2002 to 2011. (American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2017). Many adult throwing injuries seen in the MLB today are attributed to overuse and injuries suffered as a youth player.  Read more


Common Basketball injuries physical therapy can treat

3. Common Basketball Injuries

Written by Memphis Physical Therapy, an outpatient physical therapy clinic throughout Greater Memphis, TN.

Injuries can happen to college and professional players as well as recreational athletes. Physical therapists are adept at working with patients suffering from common basketball injuries and can help in a variety of different ways.  Read more

We hope you enjoyed our picks for the PT News March 2023 edition.

Find these locations and others to start feeling better today!

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Game Day Nutrition

What to Eat Before, During, & After a Game

Game Day Nutrition

What athletes eat can have effects on game-day performance. It’s important to eat foods that will fuel the body and provide enough energy during the game. Carb-loading, however, is not a beneficial strategy for everybody. Loading up on carbs has both its pros and its cons for different athletes. With this in mind, we have put together our game day nutrition general list of some foods to consider before, during, and after a game.

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Updated: 3/8/2023

Why you Should Eat Before a Game or Workout and What Foods are Best?

Many people who eat a nutrient-dense diet that meets their energy needs don’t need extra fuel to exercise at moderate intensity for 60 minutes or less. Because a game usually lasts longer than an hour of strenuous activity, it is recommended that you eat some type of snack or meal before your game.

Right Timing – Before the Game

Aim to have a snack or a small meal 1 to 3 hours before your game. This will give your body enough time to digest any foods before the game. You can have tummy troubles or GI discomfort if you chow down right before. That’s because more blood goes to your muscles during exercise, leaving less for digestion. These competing demands can become a challenge for optimal performance.

Carbohydrates provide the primary fuel for exercising muscles. Athletes should focus on eating carbs, which are broken down in the small intestine. A pre-workout snack that’s a mix of carbs, protein, and healthy fats can give you the energy you need to push yourself harder.

Recommendations for what to eat before a game or workout:

  • Oatmeal with berries
  • Balanced energy bar
  • A banana, an apple or other fresh fruit
  • Yogurt
  • A fruit smoothie
  • A whole-grain bagel or crackers
  • Granola bar
  • A peanut butter and apple sandwich


  • High-fiber foods – broccoli, baked beans, bran cereal
  • High-fat foods – eggs, meat, cheese
  • Sugar, soda, candy
  • New foods

What to Eat During the Game

As mentioned before, having food during exercise may result in stomach cramps. Hydration is key during this time. Although there are certain foods that provide energy-boosting hydration as well. Hydrate based on the length and intensity of the activity. Replace fluids according to thirst and weather


  • Drink 16-32 oz. per hour for workouts longer than 1 hour
  • Sports drinks – for activity longer than 1 hour
  • Watermelon and orange slices are good for halftime


  • High-sugar snacks and drinks – candy, soda, fruit juice
  • Energy drink, caffeine
  • Refined carbs – bread, pasta
  • Sugar and caffeine may upset the stomach leading to lower performance

What to Eat After a Game or Workout:

The most important meal on game day is what you eat after your game or workout. During heavy exercise, your body taps into your glycogen storage for energy,  which is the fuel stored in your muscles. After you’ve given it your all to win the game, your muscles have been depleted of their glycogen and broken down. The smartest thing to do after a game is to eat/drink something with protein and carbohydrates around 30 minutes after the game. This will ensure that your energy stores are refilled, your muscles that were broken down are given nourishment to rebuild and repair, and will keep your metabolism at a steady pace.

Research shows that the body’s ability to refill muscle stores decreases by 50 percent if you wait to eat just two hours after your workout. The sooner you refuel, the better! 

Here are a few great snack ideas and meal options for you to refuel after your game

Post-Game Recommended Foods

  • Turkey on whole-grain bread with vegetables
  • Protein shake made with half a banana, one scoop of protein powder, almond milk, and hemp seeds
  • Grilled salmon with a baked sweet potato
  • Omelet stuffed with sautéed vegetables and avocado
  • Grilled chicken with sautéed or steamed vegetables
  • Salad with roasted chickpeas light olive oil, and vinegar (Vegan)
  • Sautéed or steamed vegetables, with non-GMO tofu (Vegan)
  • Quinoa bowl with blackberries and pecans (Vegan)
  • Burrito with beans, brown rice, guacamole, and salsa (Vegan)

Post-Game or Workout Foods to Avoid

  • Concession candy
  • High-fat, fried foods
  • Energy drinks, soda
  • Large, low-protein meals

Don’t Forget About Electrolytes:

Electrolytes are essential minerals that your body needs to stay hydrated before, during, and after exercise. But they do more than that. Electrolytes also support our body’s vital functions, such as muscle contraction (including the heart), blood pressure, nerve signaling, and much more. They help your body retain fluid during heavy exercise when you’re sweating, so they can also keep joints lubricated and maintain your energy, avoiding dehydration-related fatigue. Adding an electrolyte supplement to your drink throughout the day will keep you in check. Adding lemon and a bit of sea salt to your drink will do the trick as well!

Injured? Need to find a sports nutritionist for designing your game day nutrition plan? Reach out to a physical therapy clinic near you to get a local recommendation and find the help you need!

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Read our article on carb loading:

Pros and Cons of Carb Loading

PT News PTandMe

PT News February 2023

PT News PTandMe

This time in PT News we recap what our clinics have been posting throughout February 2023. We are excited to bring you current physical therapy-based posts featuring published articles from PTandMe partnering clinics!

Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

1. Hip Pain: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Written by Sport & Spine Physical Therapy with locations throughout Greater Wausau, WI

WHAT IS HIP PAIN?  Hip pain can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from injuries and overuse to medical conditions such as arthritis or hip dysplasia. Here are some common causes and potential solutions for hip pain:  Read more


TPI Golf Screening

2. Improve Your Golf Game with a TPI Golf Screening

Written by Carolina Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine an outpatient physical therapy practice with locations in Columbia, Charleston, Sumter, and Rock Hill, SC.

Are you interested in improving your golf game? Maybe adding some yards to your drive or irons? Or want to move better? Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Certified Professionals can help with all of this and more! TPI Professionals are trained in identifying movement restrictions and compensations related to the golf swing. Read more


Difference Between Athletic Trainers and Physical Therapists

3. Athletic Training vs. Physical Therapy

Written by ARCH Physical Therapy, an outpatient physical therapy clinic in Lansing, MI.

Have you ever wondered about the difference between an athletic trainer and a physical therapist?  While they may seem similar on the surface, the two careers are quite different from each other.  Read on to learn more about the two professions!  Read more

We hope you enjoyed our picks for the PT News February 2023 edition.

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What Do Athletic Trainers Do?

What do Athletic Trainers Do?

With March being National Athletic Trainers Month, it is important to understand who they are and what athletic trainers do in our communities.

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What Do Athletic Trainers Do?

Athletic trainers are highly skilled professionals who offer services in preventing, examing, diagnosing, and treating sports-related medical conditions and injuries. They work in different sports environments such as high school, college, and professional sports settings. Generally, they are the first responders when injuries occur during sporting events.

Athletic trainers hold at least a four-year degree from a BOC (Board of Certification) accredited institution and are licensed, certified health professionals working with athletes on and off the field. However, as of 2022, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association reports that 70% of athletic trainers in the U.S. have obtained a master’s degree.

Athletic trainers work closely with coaches and parents and often refer athletes to other healthcare professionals such as physicians, physical therapists, and surgeons when needed. They also monitor the physical condition of the athletes throughout the year to ensure that they are in good health regardless of if the athlete is in or out of season. Their hours of work are determined by the schedule of the sports. They are often available after school and stay until sporting events have concluded.

In the training room, athletic trainers will:

  • Prepare athletes for competition by taking preventative measures such as equipment fitting, taping, and bracing.
  • Assess athletes with acute and chronic injuries to determine their participation status.
  • Perform sport-specific rehabilitation on injured athletes.
  • Provide opportunities for strengthening and conditioning.
  • Work with sports staff on proper warm-up, game day preparation, and on/off-season conditioning.
  • Educate athletes, coaches, and parents on sports medicine strategies, nutrition, and sports psychology.

Athletic trainers support athletes during sporting events and manage and treat any musculoskeletal issues such as:

  • Shoulder, hip, knee, elbow, hand, and ankle injuries
  • Facial injuries
  • Neck and back injuries, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries like concussions
  • Triage and wound care
  • Heat-related illnesses
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Catastrophic injuries

Athletic Trainers Don’t Just Work With Athletes

The duties of many essential workers require a good range of motion, strength, and stamina while carrying the potential risk of developing musculoskeletal injuries. Athletic trainers also work in a variety of professional settings including but not limited to:

  • The Performing Arts
  • Military Bases
  • Police Departments
  • Fire Departments
  • Sports Medicine Clinics
  • Physician Offices, Hospitals, and Hospital Emergency Departments

Athletic trainers are crucial to the everyday life of athletes, essential workers, and more. They work to not only rehabilitate injuries but to prevent injuries as well through safety procedures and equipment. By deeming March National Athletic Trainers Month, we recognize their efforts and everything that they do for not only our athletes but our communities as well. If you have already experienced an injury or have long-lasting pain, our physical therapy teams can help you recover and get back to your sport.

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This information was written by The Center for Physical Rehabilitation, an outpatient physical therapy group with five locations in Western Michigan. The Center specializes in all-inclusive physical therapy services, such as Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Post-Surgical, and McKenzie Therapy. Our state-of-the-art facilities are conveniently located around Grand Rapids with extended hours. Independent and locally owned since 1994, we have the freedom to work with the most qualified healthcare professionals.

How to Correctly Use Workout Equipment

How To Correctly Use Workout Equipment In Your Gym

How to Correctly Use Workout Equipment

Are you looking to exercise more? Or are you a recent physical therapy graduate looking to keep making progress on the health of your body? Either way, going to the gym can be an experience that benefits both the body and mind tremendously. With that, understanding how to correctly use your workout equipment can reduce the risk of first-time or reoccurring injuries. If you are recovering from an injury, ask your physical therapist for an adjusted workout, or for updated restrictions as you continue to improve through care.

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From stationary bikes to pull-ups, there is a plethora of workout equipment available for use in the gym that can better overall the health of your body. With that, the knowledge of the right and wrong ways to use the equipment we are about to teach can be the difference in benefiting or damaging your body.

How to Correctly Use a Leg Press

The leg press is a popular piece of gym equipment that can help build muscles in your legs. This piece of equipment develops the hamstrings of the thigh and the gluteus.

Correct Form:


Incorrect Form:

When you get into a leg press you’ll want to position yourself so that your back is pressed firmly against the back machine with your shoulders touching the top of the seat.  Your feet should be positioned shoulder-width apart and fully flush on the platform with your legs at a 90-degree angle. Make sure to hold onto the handlebars before straightening your legs and lifting the weight. If you’re unsure about what weight to start with,  start small and gradually add weight as you build endurance and strength. You can also consult your physical therapist or an athletic trainer for help.

How to Correctly Use a Stationary Bike

The stationary bike has been a staple in the exercise community for years. This machine provides low-impact, high-intensity cardiovascular exercise while building strength and endurance.

Correct Form: 

Incorrect Form: 

When sitting on a stationary bike you’ll want to adjust the seat’s height so that there is a slight bend to your knee when your foot reaches the furthest position.  You also want to make sure your back is straight and avoid hunching. Your elbows should slightly bend when you grab onto the handles. If your arms are overextended, move the seat forward or backward until you reach the right position.

How to Correctly Use a Treadmill

There are lots of benefits to using a treadmill. It’s a great alternative to beginning runners when the weather is not in their favor, or if you want to pick the speed or incline to run.

Correct Form: 

Incorrect Form: 

Make sure you keep your head up and looking straight ahead and try to keep your feet landing in the middle of the treadmill to take advantage of the shock absorption.  Finally, run or walk as you would outside on the street. If needed a physical therapist can help make sure you have a good gait and posture

How to Correctly Use a Standing Cable Row

The cable row develops the muscles of the back and the forearms. It is an excellent all-around compound exercise for developing the middle back.

Correct Form: 

Incorrect Form:

When standing you’ll want to adjust the pulley so that it’s level with your chest. You’ll want to stand with your feet firmly on the ground hip-width apart, with a slight bend to your knees. Similar to the bike you’ll want to keep your back straight (careful to watch the position of your butt).  When pulling towards you make sure to keep your shoulders down, and don’t lean into the machine.  If you are struggling to keep a good position, remove some of the weight.

How to Correctly Do a Low Row Hold

The Primal 7 is a versatile tool that can be used to assist patients in recovery by allowing for modified exercises, as well as an everyday workout tool for home and at the gym.  Many of our clinics utilize it to help with assisted pull-ups, push-ups, and in this example a low row hold.

Correct Form: 

Incorrect Form: 

Grab hold of the rings and walk back to your starting position.  Firmly plant your feet hip-width apart, keeping your back straight, and lean back until your arms are extended outward at chest level. From here you’ll pull your hands to your chest making sure the shoulders stay back.  If you need help finding your starting position ask your physical therapist for help.

Working out and staying active is highly beneficial to the body but using the incorrect form could result in personal injury. If you have any sudden significant increase in pain, swelling, or discoloration while performing or following exercise, discontinue immediately. Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment or find a physical therapist near you today!

Special thanks to Kingwood Occupational & Physical Therapy, in Kingwood, TX for supplying the Imagery

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PT News PTandMe

PT News January 2023

PT News PTandMe

This time in PT News we recap what our clinics have been posting throughout January 2023. We are excited to bring you current physical therapy-based posts featuring published articles from PTandMe partnering clinics!


1. The Secret Benefits of Stretching Before and After Your Workout

Written by Wright Physical Therapy with locations throughout Idaho

Answer this question. If you do work out regularly, are you stretching properly? If you’re not stretching before and after your workout, you’re not really taking advantage of a complete workout routine. Stretching exercises are a staple of physical therapy for many reasons.  Read more


Low Back Pain Physical Therapy

2. Spondylolisthesis: An Unknown Cause of Back Pain and How to Treat it.

Written by JACO Rehab an outpatient physical therapy practice with 4 locations in O’ahu, HI

In rare occasions, back pain, stiffness, numbness and tingling down the legs, or weakness in the legs can be associated with spondylolisthesis. Let’s take a closer look at spondylolisthesis and how physical therapy can help treat it! Read more


3. Reducing Work Place Injuries

Written by The Center for Physical Therapy, an outpatient physical therapy group located throughout Greater Grand Rapids, MI.

As companies continue to search for ways to offset the increasing cost of doing business, minimizing workman compensation costs is an effective way to reduce medical costs. When an employee sustains an on-the-job injury, the potential cost to the company can be significant. It is estimated, the cost incurred by the company to treat an injury from onset to return to unrestricted work is around $70k thus requiring companies to produce more goods to help offset work comp costs.  Read more

We hope you enjoyed our picks for the PT News January 2023 edition.

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Holiday Exercise Routine

Add Some Holiday Fun to Your Exercise Routine

Holiday Exercise Routine

The majority of adults in the United States are not physically active on a regular basis. Only 30% get the recommended amount of physical activity. Lack of time is the most often cited reason for not getting in enough exercise. When the holiday season begins, the lack of time issue only becomes more problematic. For most people, even for those who do exercise regularly, this means that daily exercise slips to the bottom of the long list of things to do during the holidays. You know that list: gift shopping, party hopping, and traveling to see family and friends. Take some time to figure out what you can and can’t control. Then, work on the elements you can control to help with your time management. Here are some ways you can stay on track and have some fun with your exercise routine throughout the holidays.

Find a Holiday Race to Join
Knowing you need to be physically prepared may be the motivational tool you need in terms of keeping you consistent with your workouts. Realizing that all your training will have an additional benefit, other than improved fitness, may also improve your chances of sticking with it. Most holiday-themed races have opportunities to dress up adding even more fun to the mix!

Find or Create the Perfect Holiday Workout Playlist
It’s hard not to love Mariah Carey’s all I want for Christmas is you – it’s also a great song to workout to.  Are you a Spotify user? Try this playlist during your next workout. Is iTunes your jam? They have a holiday classics remix playlist that’s perfect for a holiday workout.

Get a Workout Partner
Some people find that working out with a partner helps motivate them and keep them consistent in terms of getting to the gym or hitting the pavement. Knowing that someone is waiting for you can motivate you on the days you don’t feel like getting out of bed to exercise. Find someone with a similar schedule and treat yourselves after your workouts – Grab a cup of coffee together or plan a trip to a holiday market afterward. You’ll feel great, and be able to check some things off of your to-do list!

Set Some Holiday Related Goals
Rather than dragging yourself to the gym each day to shed those extra holiday pounds, set a fitness goal for the holiday season.

Try writing down what you want to accomplish during the two-month period from November 20 to January 20. Choose a goal such as losing 5 pounds, increasing your strength, or improving your time in a mile run. Don’t make exercise a penance for the holiday cookies you ate. Make it a personal goal unrelated to holiday revelry. Your goals need to be flexible and in line with your capabilities, needs, values, and available resources. They should be challenging, but also realistic. Measure the baseline of where you are now and decide where you would like to be on a certain date in January.

Have fun this holiday season and add some cheer to your regular workout routine. Mixing it up will keep your routine fun, fresh, and will be something you can more easily stick to. Getting started on a new workout routine? We have some great tips to help you get started safely. Need help with an injury so that you can get back to your exercise routine? Look no further. We have wonderful teams of therapists throughout the country that specialize in sports rehabilitation.

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2020 physical activity guidelines for Americans. US Department of Health and Human Services website. Available at:  Accessed November 17, 2020.

The Surgeon General’s call to action to prevent and decrease overweight and obesity. US Department of Health and Human Services’ Surgeon General website. Available at: Accessed November 17, 2020.